
Keep your workforce fighting fit… with on-site fitness training

Reap the benefits of on-site fitness training for small groups or 1-2-1 and keep your people fighting fit, alert, responsive and most important of all… at their post.

Fitness at work programmes

Fitness Assessment

Fitness at work programmes start with a simple non-invasive ‘baseline check’ for each person.

Standing with bare feet on our biometric scales allows us to collect data about your body weight, fat mass, muscle mass, bone weight, BMI, metabolic age, hydration levels and visceral fat readings.

The results provide us with a snapshot of an individuals current physical health and fitness levels – measurements used for future comparison.

Fitness Training

We want exercise to be fun and rewarding, therefore the more we know about your people, the better we can find the right form of exercise and Personal Trainer most likely to get the best results for them.

Training can be a simple as a walking group at lunchtime; a session in an on-site gym (we will even supply the equipment); exercise classes before, during or after work; a runners’ or cycling club; or even training for a charity or corporate challenge.

Our team of qualified and experienced Personal Trainers will deliver on-site fitness training for small groups or 1-2-1, before, during, or after work hour.

Ongoing Support

As part of an overall Workplace Wellbeing Programme, fitness training is an ongoing process.

Our personal trainers work with each person or team for as long or as short a time as needed. We conduct further ‘baseline’ checks at regular intervals to monitor individual progress and ensure the effectiveness of training, adjusting the programme where necessary to ensure that you are getting consistent positive results.

Of all our services, the subject of Fitness Training at work is probably the most the most debated; “work is for work”, “no time for fitness when I’m working”, “It’s up to each person to keep fit in their own time”, “why should the company pay to get someone fit”.
In our experience the benefits are clear. Our ultimate purpose is to improve health, and prevent disease and disability by helping people develop resilience to the risks (both physical and mental) associated with running a business or working for a company. By fostering a healthy work environment where your people are resilient and well, hours lost to sickness is reduced and employees present as focused and proactive. On-site fitness training will keep your people fighting fit, alert, responsive and most important of all… at their post.

Fitness at Work programme options include:
  • Programmes for fitness and weight loss
  • Back to work support following injury or sickness
  • Duty of care for struggling employees
  • Healthy eating and nutrition coaching
  • Rewards for hard working employees
  • Team building or training for an event.
If you would like to know more about Fitness at Work programmes, let’s have a conversation…

Peter has worked closely with Aaron Wallis for a number of years now, on both a group and individual basis. We have found him to be a very knowledgeable and personable trainer which has proved invaluable to the fitness levels of the office. Peter is very accommodating, fitting in sessions around office hours, and he always arrives with a smile on his face. I would definitely recommend him to both small business and corporates alike.

Giles Phillips, Aaron Wallis
The training modules ‘De-stress Behind the Wheel’ and ‘Sleep’ were very engaging, interesting and useful, giving myself and my drivers lots of tips and advice on how to manage personal stress levels in various life and workplace circumstances, and how to review your approach to your sleeping habits in order to promote better, higher quality sleep, improve personal health and work performance. I thoroughly recommend this training as an essential part of a company’s responsibility towards its ongoing driver wellbeing.

Celebrates’ great instructors have helped me gain confidence and increase my fitness levels. They’ve helped me reach my goals and always keep fitness training interesting and challenging. Having Zoom access to physical and mental therapy sessions, plus expert sports massages to help target those troublesome aches and pains, has been especially helpful since having to work more from home.

Garry Oliffe

So much more than stopwatches and pushups

Scroll down to see how some of our clients have invested in the physical health of their employees,
and it will become evident as to why they encourage and support fitness training at work.

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Rewarding loyal and hardworking employees

How do you reward loyal and hardworking employees? Money; extra time off; a promotion; a pay rise; a company car… all those things are great if you are on the receiving end, but most are short lived. Before the money is spent, the day off is done and the reward is something that came and went.

Consider something more adventurous and challenging…

The bosses from Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment in Milton Keynes, wanted to, not only reward their employees, but also thank some of their clients and suppliers for their custom and support. They wanted a bit of a challenge to ensure it wasn’t just a boozy lad’s weekend! There had to be some benefit to investing company profits in what some would consider as fun.
How about the 3 Peaks Challenge, UK, Ireland or Mainland Spain? Experiencing high altitude with a trek up the highest mountain in North Africa – Toubkal? How about traversing a glacier in Norway; or a soak in a hot water stream in Iceland – the land of ice and fire; or Croatia for a two-day hike and a day kayaking?
Just imagine the adventure, the shared experience, shared adversity.


Tired after an exhilarating challenge, looking forward to a few beers. Witnessing some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet. Overcoming fear of traversing steep slopes and ice fields. Getting to the top of the mountain to witness the sunrise and feel the cold wind. Discovering your strengths and weaknesses and those of your companions. Learning new skills – crossing rivers, reading maps, scrabbling on slippery rocks, keeping dry! Putting ego aside and asking for help.
These are experiences not to be forgotten and people are changed by them. Petty differences and office politics are set aside. There is a real gratitude to be able to ‘be there’ …and guess what, next year your loyal employees, customers and suppliers, they’ll want to do it again.
There must be something in it. The guys from Aaron Wallis do something every year!

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Training and taking part in charity events

We are inspired by the way some of our clients take their view of Corporate Social Responsibility to a higher level in raising money for local charities. Not only does it raise money for worthy causes but sets the goals for anyone taking part.

Few challenges are more rewarding, on so many levels…

One of our clients ‘Blue Chip’ had some keen and experienced cyclists who decided to cycle London to Paris. Not as part of a large organised event, but to plan, organise and do it themselves – they wanted an adventure! They also wanted to raise money for a good cause… their chosen local charity, Keech Hospice Care.


With the hours of training as well as the four-day trip itself, it was so much more than just a bike ride. It took planning, coordination and cooperation. We discovered that a shared activity, even hardship, outside of the normal business activity, created some special bonds and many stories that are still talked about. Plus, there was the feel-good factor in raising money for Keech.

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Developing your own corporate athletes

Successful athletes aren’t superhuman. They simply possess and utilize consistent skill sets that elicit positive results. They believe in themselves and their ability to constantly improve. They set realistic goals, they surround themselves with the right people, and they stay the course through tough times.

Creating an inner desire to succeed

If we were to compare the attributes of a successful athlete with a perfect employee, there would be many similarities. It is well recognised that participation in sporting activities and events help develop transferable skills and an inner desire to succeed.
Fitness at work doesn’t need to be something as challenging as a 100 miles Ultra marathon as was the ‘Infinity Run’ that we devised in 2014 to raise money for local charities. It was certainly a memorable event, not least for the organising. For example, finding a safe route for the runners, gaining permission from

landowners and local counties throughout Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire. Finding volunteers to man the waystations, many of which were local pubs, then getting those pub landlords to ‘host’ feed and watering stations for the runners and supporters.


We did this as a one-off event and spent months of training getting the miles into the legs of competitors for the individual effort and teams of ten for the relay event. Can you imagine how fit you would be from training for and then running 100 miles in 24 hours?

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Challenging team fitness events

There is nothing new about Boot Camp, indeed we have a great deal of experience of Boot Camps stretching back to the early 80s would you believe, with ‘Freddy’s Swamp Runs’.

What do you get from a Team Challenge?

A team challenge is an easy goal to set and it can double-up as the training and the main event, just like on this Wet ’n’ Wild Weekend near Willen Lake.
We had a small diverse group of different ages, genders and abilities, with one thing in common – they were up for a challenge, some laughs and something memorable. They discovered that getting wet was not as bad as they expected – indeed, if it’s done in a safe and familiar area it’s really good fun – and before we knew it, one or two unexpected characters really shone through.

Taking people out of their comfort zone and giving them some shared adversity, it’s often the quiet ones (who aren’t considered leaders) that develop as confidence grows.


You get to see your people in a totally different light… who complains; who gets on with it; who leads; who follows. It’s a great way for people in a team to get to know each other.

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Fitness training for team building

Taking into account a variety of ages, genders, experience – and egos, it’s not unusual to find an element of, shall we say, ‘disharmony’ in work teams. Fitness based challenges are a great way to introduce a little ’healthy’ competition to motivate, inspire and engage your team.

How does fitness training help with team building?

Team building is one of the least anticipated outcomes when it comes to fitness training at work but, if you think about it, if people are having fun while achieving something, then that is a good thing right?
Put a diverse bunch of people together, give them a little motivation and the need to cooperate to achieve a shared goal in a fun and controlled environment, and the individuals see each other in a different light. Before you know you have team spirit.

Team building does not have to be an expensive weekend away with the usual ‘make a raft from this matchbox and get everyone across the lake’. Sometimes outdoor exercise with small groups will get the same result at a fraction of the cost.


Team members discover the importance of working together to achieve a shared objective, even if it’s a silly game like a ‘tug of war’.

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Fitness training for small business owners

Put into practice there are many similarities between running a small business and fitness training. You need to be disciplined, practice hitting goals and cultivate resilience when it gets tough. Aside from the obvious health benefits, taking time out to exercise also provides you the opportunity to pause for a mental reset, refocus and gain confidence with regards to pushing your own limits.

Time out for some me-time…

Most small businesses owners start as a one-man band – wanting to be their own boss; to work hours that suit them; and to have a better work-life balance. However, as companies grow, work life balance often goes out of kilter, hours at work seem never-ending and the job you used to love has become a slog! Is that the price of success – or perhaps a choice?
It’s often only after you’ve had a break, that you realise just how badly you needed it. A useful tip I got from business coach Jon Baker was to schedule time for exercise in your diary. Setting a goal and a timeline is important, and leading up to that, there is the relevant exercise programme to prepare for the main event.
In Jon’s case, he set himself the goal of a ski trip – a week away in the peace and beauty of the mountains. He’d already been to Machu Picchu and understood the value of taking time out to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit.


Aside from getting fitter, he discovered that his training not only set him up for his ski trip, but he felt more alert, full of energy and better focused at work.
Jon’s fitness sessions ranged from walking and running based exercises – along the canal, around Willen Lake and the Forest Centre at Marston Moretaine – or circuit training when it was too wet or cold outside. Then, he was off to enjoy a glorious week skiing, savouring the fresh mountain air and winter sunshine. Perfect!

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Nordic walking

Raising the energy level a little, Nordic Walking is a perfect introduction to exercise for any person able to walk. As fitness activities go, this one is easy to learn and there is no expensive equipment or clothing necessary.

A perfect activity for individuals of any age or fitness level…

Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking, which harnesses the power of the upper body to propel you forward as you walk. It uses more energy and yet it feels easier with practice.
With correct use of the poles, it is no harder on the joints than walking. The poles take the weight off the knees and lower joints – which makes it a suitable activity for people with joint conditions, or people who may be carrying some extra body weight.
Nordic Walking requires a specific fitness technique, not to be confused with trekking, hill walking or trail running. The poles aren’t simply planted in front of you, but moved in a specific way, which increases the use of the upper body.
We have our own instructor trained by NWUK (Nordic Walking UK) who are recognised as the leading authority in the UK.


This outdoor activity encourages exercise in the fresh air and is a suitable activity even for non-athletic types.
There are so many benefits to Nordic Walking:

  • it’s a whole body exercise, which activates 90% of the body’s muscles and burns up to 46% more calories than regular walking
  • the aerobic effect is increased by up to 25% compared to regular walking
  • it decreases load and strain on the lower body
  • it improves lateral mobility of the spine
  • it increases core stability and strength; and it tones the upper arms, shoulders and back muscles.
Nordic walking
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Fitness classes without a gym

Even in big towns and cities there are always green spaces to enjoy, and if you are lucky, there is a park, some woodlands, fields and lakes with open footpaths that you can walk – even if just to get some fresh air.

Find some space for me-time, indoors or outdoors

There is always room for a Zumba, Yoga or Pilates class in a meeting room, and you don’t have to go far to escape the office, even for a short while…
This ‘Corporate Warrior’ trains with us every week. He is lucky to work in Milton Keynes (granted) but then there are often green spaces around, even in city locations. Darren likes to do our famous bench exercises. That is a running based exercise routine where we run and, at every bench we do a set of exercises – in this case, push-ups and sit ups. The cows were certainly impressed!


Darren works in a high-pressure sales environment, responsible for his own sales and that of the sales-team.
Taking a break to exercise in the fresh air at lunch time not only gets him away from the routine for a while, it also sends him back to work energised and invigorated.

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Do you have a company a gym?

If you are fortunate enough to have a gym on the premises, we have a great team of experienced and well-qualified Personal Trainers available to help.

Making better use of your company gym…

There is a general expectation with company gyms, that just because it’s there, staff will utilise the facilities. That may be the case, but generally we find these places are rarely used, and if at all it tends to be from a few well motivated individuals.
By staffing the gym with one or more of our Personal Trainers, you are more likely to see a return on your investment of office space and equipment.


Perhaps someone needs help with recovery after injury or sickness – back to work sessions? Or the results from Health Checks indicate that there are a significant number of employees who are overweight or obese, diabetic or pre-diabetic – these people need a structured exercise and healthy eating programme.
When you have an on-site Personal Trainer, gym attendance soars, employees encourage each other to attend because of their own positive experience and the benefits are soon apparent.

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Gentle exercise can be a walk in the park

Take a break, connect with nature and feel the stresses of the day fade away. Step out of the office and walk the talk.

Get together away from the distraction of the office…

Some of the best feedback we have had from group exercise is from a project we called ‘NetWalking’. We invited small-business people to get together for networking (as small business owners do), but instead of sitting in a stuffy meeting room eating a breakfast or sandwiches, we promoted it as ‘Zero Calorie Networking’. Our business owners walked and talked on a guided route in the many green spaces in Milton Keynes.

We take that idea and encourage ‘Walking Meetings’ for our businesses and ‘Stepping Out’ for a lunch break walk.


By starting the meeting as you begin walking and finishing when you go through the door, meetings do not tend to drag on and everyone has had a break in the fresh air and some gentle exercise. Perfect to bring a boring meeting to life!

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We can and do, have a positive impact on companies and society in general.
If you would like to know more about our Fitness at Work Programmes, let’s have a conversation.